Emma heads up the call answering team. With a varied administration background including accounts and recruitment, Emma brings her bright and sunny disposition combined with sharp business acumen to the team, working from Glasgow.
My specialist VA skills are:
Telephone answering…. I am a bit of a chatterbox so this suits me down to the ground! I started work as a telephonist/receptionist, when I was 16, and then moved up to being the Temp Controller for a recruitment consultancy, this involved some telesales so I know how it feels to be the poor schmuck on the other end of the phone. I don’t even mind the “rude” callers. I get to feign righteous indignation – And we all enjoy a bit of feigning of a morning!
The best thing about working at Virtually Sorted is:
The variety – You never know what the day is gonna throw at you.
Being part of a great team – Working as part of a virtual team is great too, even though we are all in offices miles apart there is a great team spirit.
The clients – We have a lot of great clients (you know who you are!).
Something you might not know about Emma B:
I was Scottish School Girl High Jump Champion! But that was a lifetime ago… And, as well as being a geek girl, I am a bit hippy dippy – I am a fully qualified Clinical Aromatherapist… My office smells lovely!